Friday, August 13, 2010

2010-11 # 2

Well, here we are, back to work for about a week. I started back on August 2. This was after 3 weeks of vacation which consisted of one week in Chicago with kids and grandkids, followed by 2 weeks in Florida with kids and grandkids and family.

August 2nd, I worked 8 hours. Wow!! A “normal” day which consisted mostly of calendar items and planning for the year. We did start our summer school today. We have 8 students working on credit recovery. This will last for 2 weeks from 9:00 AM until Noon. I hope that students take advantage of this time and make up these credits. If not, they will have to retake these classes for 85 minutes a day for 9 weeks.
August 3rd, my wife and I left for Des Moines at 5:30 AM for the School Administrators of Iowa annual convention. This is a very good convention! 1 day of golf and networking. 1 ½ days of very good speakers. 8 hours of travel time to Des Moines and back. What a price we pay to live in the most beautiful part of Iowa.

August 5th , we detoured to Iowa City on the way back and stayed with relatives. Friday, the 6th, we stopped at Grant Wood AEA in Cedar Rapids. We had several students and 2 teachers involved in a virtual reality workshop. This workshop was covered in the Cedar Rapids Gazette and by the CR TV stations. VR is being pushed by Rockwell Collins, John Deere, the Mayo Clinic, the Iowa Workforce Development and many others. We feel very fortunate to be involved in this at the ground level. It will be one of my jobs to make sure that we continue to have students involved in this and to offer and build this opportunity for students

After being gone most of the week, it was necessary to work at school for 2 hours on Sunday, August 8. I mostly worked at catching up on e-mail and planning for the upcoming week.

About 52 hours logged this week. Not counting time thinking about the job, checking e-mails, and texting with fellow administrators to keep in touch.

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