Tuesday, November 22, 2011


  1. The teaching style of ten+ years ago is no longer effective with the students we are working with today. The tools we have at our disposal provide countless ways to reach all students. Very good presentation!
    Josh Mallicoat
    4-12 Principal
    MFL MarMac CSD

  2. Great slideshow!
    We definitely all need to do our part to make sure our students are prepared for the global world we live in. Our students already know how to do most things with technology and even if we are not fully comfortable with it; if we give them the opportunity to show us what they can do, the possibilities are endless.
    Since I am not able to attend today's session, I have been working on using wallwisher in my classroom.
    Here's an example of one my science classes did recently:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for sharing Ed! Some great food for thought. Ah, yes... change. One thing that has been "constant" in education. The students and the technology they are accustomed to have definitely changed.
    There are so many options out there to help us reach the varied learning styles of these kids.
    Thanks for all your hard work MFLMM staff!
    Keep up the good work.

  5. I agree that technology is growing and changing everyday. I worked with Jason in the library on using the Flashcard Exchange to help my special education students study new vocabulary words from our novels. We discovered that it wouldn't read the words to them so we are still working on that part of it. We also talked about having the students create their own Flashcard Exchange using their google e-mails.

  6. I am amazed by the technology abilities of my Level 2-3 Special Education students. They have no qualms about just getting in there and using the technology. It reminds me of another experience I had recently. I was spending the evening with my nearly 70 year old father and two year old nephew. Dad was trying to search the web for information about cattle production and John was using an Ipad2 with early intervention applications. I spent much more time working with my father because he was hesitant to try anything without instruction first. John was able to get around on the Ipad intuitively.

  7. I explored Create A Graph to use with my special education students. My students work very hard when they do the graph unit. This will be a nice addition.

  8. I found Exploratree Thinking Guides from the Bloom's Digital Pyramid. The students can use it to as they research events for our Time Line- it will help them organize their information.

  9. During PD today, Jessica and I discussed using Prezi in our math classes. I will be having my Algebra 2 students work in teams to create a Prezi to synthesize their knowledge on the methods of solving quadratic functions. Prezi is a great presentation tool that I feel will be appealing to students. I know there will be challenges with the learning curve of getting to know the instrument, but I anticipate the students will welcome this challenge. The great part is that they will also be solidifying their content knowledge.

  10. I think that some of the old teaching methods still work just fine, but they definitely benefit from the enhancements that technology provides, i.e. a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm working on revamping my English 10 unit for the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." I'm looking forward to seeing their own research on the Depression era and also having them investigate the illusions to people and history that are scattered throughout the novel.

  11. Technology has opened the door to a whole new world of learning. Almost anything you want to know is at your fingertips as long as you are wise enough to not believe everything you read on the net. I think there needs to be a balance between technology and other ways of implementing your curriculum. There are still a lot of great things a teacher can do with students without using a computer. Students do enjoy using their laptops, but it has been a struggle making sure they are using them for classroom assignments and not just IChat and addictinggames.com.

  12. The presentation brought up several interesting points; however, it seems the overarching message lies in our willingness as educators to change the way we do things to meet the needs and desires of our students. So many great features of technology have changed the way we live our lives and we need to embrace those changes in our classrooms to prepare our students to succeed outside of our walls. Otherwise, it seems we're wasting our time!

    Today I really focused on creating a unique student-centered project that aims at challenging the typical, traditional forms of assessment often seen in a Language Arts classroom. The students are beginning to research for the Traditional 6th Grade Christmas Around the World Project; however, rather than asking them to simply show me what they learn in the traditional research paper, I have asked them to create a Glog. A glog will encourage the students to think outside the box and find new ways to represent conceptual models. Glogs are highly versatile and allow students to enter text, upload self-recorded videos, link You Tube clips, insert images and graphics, etc. Students will be collaborating with partners and then all Glogs will be uploaded to my website and a Wallwisher activity will allow the entire 6th grade to collaborate and learn how Christmas is celebrated around the world.

    To view a sample glog that I made to show the students before beginning, read through the Step-by-Step instructions I created as a student handout, visit the Glogster website, or see my rubric for this project, please visit the Language Arts Assignments page on my classroom website at


    So far this project has been fun and challenging to create, but that's why I love it! When I mentioned the idea to the kids, they seemed excited!

  13. During PD today I completed my ICAT and watched the video and commented on it above. Then I reflected back on what I have done this year to incorporate more technology into my current curriculum. I've used an idea that was given to us by the Apple trainer back in August several times this year. After completing an assignment or project, students use photo booth to take their picture and then summarize what they've learned while doing the assignment. Small groups of students made a History of Earth Timeline that showed the chronological order of life on earth (according to fossil records). When they were finished they took their pic and wrote a paragraph on what they learned by doing this activity. I was able to assess what they learned by reading their summaries and if the project was worth while.

  14. During professional development, I experimented with cobo cards. This program allows flashcards to be made and accessed on-line. I developed a set of flashcards reviewing parts of speech. My students have a very hard time remembering what a noun, a verb, and an adjective are.

  15. I would agree technology is one tool good teachers use to help increase student achievement. It is important to know the needs and abilities of one's students. It's important to evolve with education. Like the tidal wave analogy; if you see and you don't like it . . . leave education. Hiding doesn't do any good . . . might as well embrace technology and change in general.

  16. Nice video, Ed. It's a challenge to stay one step ahead of the students, but I am trying. I am positively surprised at the rate they learn. I can show them something one time, and they remember it.

    Today Eric and I each created a new Google form to use with our class. I also created another Wallwisher. My students did one before and enjoyed it. Hopefully, they will like this one too.

  17. My accomplishments for the 12/7 PD work day is as follows:
    1. I completed the I-CAT, which was time consuming and not enjoyable.
    2. I watched the video/presentation on Ed's blog with a group of co-workers. A small discussion followed: our consensus is that technology needs to be a tool to enhance instruction not replace instruction.
    3. When it was time to create a lesson, alternatively, I went back to revisit Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Pyramid. I was looking for more usable ideas for amateurs. Previously, I had success with the Rubistar to evaluate a culminating activity for a novel, so I wanted new ideas.

  18. During PD today Dawn and I created a google docs form and a wall wisher. I am continually amazed at how much my 4th grade students know, and how much I learn from them. They just eat this technology stuff up!!

  19. I agree that being a high quality teacher that uses technology as a tool in the classroom is very important. Using technology on its own is not going to produce the level of achievement with students that we desire. Having quality teachers is essential!!

    Our third grade team planned a lesson using technology to go with our weather unit. As a culminating activity, students will play as a whole class a weather Jeopardy game found on Jeopardy Lab shared at our last in-service. This game will review the essential learnings from the weather unit.

  20. The actual teaching is much more important. Teachers should really remember what they say and do for students is way more important than what the students can get from a computer. The computer should only be used as a tool to enhance a lesson not be the whole lesson.
    Our third grade team planned a lesson utilizing technology to go along with our weather unit. As a culminating activity students will play a weather Jeopardy game found on the Jeopardy Lab website shared at our last inservice by Mark K. This game reviews the essential learnings from our weather unit.

  21. Technology should be used as a TOOL in teaching.

    The third grade team planned a lesson utilizing technology to go along with the weather unit. As a culminating activity, students will play a weather Jeopardy game found on the "Jeopardy Lab" site, which was shared at our last inservice. This game reviews the essential learnings from our weather unit.

  22. Today during PD I worked on jeopardylabs.com and made a game to review different math problems like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions. While doing this I found one that had story problems all made up and at the level some of my students are at, so I bookmarked the site. I plan on having my students go on the site and make their own to help them study for their tests or review basic math facts.

  23. Technology is a tool that can be used in multiple different ways.

    The lesson I created will be used to review circles before the test. It is a Prezi and includes all the information that was covered on circles.

    Everyday is something new, challenge the students to find something on a topic or problem and you will be amazed in what they will find.

  24. Today, I worked on developing a lesson that dealt with area using Jeopardy that I hope my students will enjoy. It went pretty well! Also worked on developing a link on Wallwisher.

  25. Today I created a wallwisher for an assignment that I gave my students to write in their journal. I also used my photobooth and took a picture of myself and tried to import it to my profile for joining your blog. Was I successful?
    I am using an Edmodo account to post and respond to other postings for a class I am taking for NEIRC. This has been a great experience for collaborating with other teachers.
    After watching your video, I am in the wave, swimming to save my life:)HA

  26. Today Jen and I discussed the different ways we use technology in our classes. We've been pleased with jeopardylabs and quizlet. The new lesson I worked on was a review unit where students will be re-teaching and refreshing the information for each other. There are several good resources to present that are much more interactive than a simple keynote presentation (though that isn't all bad either).

  27. One new technology concept I researched today was the 10 x 10 to be used in my Western Civilization class. My students are required to bring a current event article once a week. I typically provide the students with a topic of the week. This website will be a great tool for me as a guide for a topic and a great link for my website to assist the students in finding an article for their assignment.

  28. What stands out the most to me from the video is "Student achievement is increased by Good Teachers using appropriate Technology Effectively". I agree that we don't need to use technology for the sake of using technology. It is not going to be appropriate to use it every day in every class. I had students last week use Prezi for Child Development presenting information on birth defects and in Adult Living presenting information on a career that they researched based on what they would like to do after they graduate from hs/college. I thought this would be another great tool for them to learn to present besides powerpoint/keynote. I had some students that decided to use it for projects for other classes to students that wanted to stay in their comfort zone and do the assignment as a powerpoint/keynote. The students enjoyed making their Prezis.

  29. I plan to learn to use garageband with my students and have them record themselves reading text, such as probes, and then evaluate their fluency and comprehension. I'm not sure if garageband will time their reading, but I hope it does so students can chart their progress with number of words read and accuracy when answering comprehension questions.

  30. After the I-CAT session and the video, I chose to explore graphing options for students to use in Chapter Four. Explore-a-tree from the Bloom's Digital Technology seemed too elementary for the Composition II students. I will let them decide if they want to explore this site or use Pages/Word for the paper.

  31. We looked for Christmas games that student could not access and work on independently. We also looked at a blog that Eva is using that will extend the activities she is using with reindeer.

  32. Technology is a motivator for some students. Students need the technology skills in addition to the skills already in demand by the workforce.

  33. I completely agree with the slide stating Pedagogy trumps technology. Technology should be an avenue to express what the students are being taught, not replace the teaching all together. Something great about being in the educational field in the 21st century is that we (students and teachers) are both the student and the teacher. The more we see presentations like this, the easier it is to realize this is becoming our reality.
    During PD today I worked with Prezi so that my students can create one for the battles of the American Revolution. I also created an account for today's meet to use with a movie about the Civil War.

  34. Technology is a tool, not a replacement to instruction. I have loved being able to use youtube to supplement nonfiction texts for reluctant readers. Today I tried using www.bubbl.us. This is a brainstorming/mapping site. I like the simplicity of the site. You are able to save the map, share with others, collaborate, and email. Teachers can annotate the jpegs and be able to return the corrections digitally to students. I can use this site for students to be able to share their knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure in Spanish. I also worked on Jeopardy Labs and researched how to use Hot Potato (a free download to create online review..I hope).

  35. Our group looked at iPads and apps to enhance our early childhood curriculum and differentiated learning. We discussed the availability of ipads in our district and are hoping our district can purchase a few for lower elementary use.

  36. This afternoon I worked on a lesson covering congruent triangles. My students have prior knowledge on similar triangles to build from. I will have the students split the triangle congruence shortcuts and create a Prezi to teach the rest of the class. I created a Prezi on the general facts of congruent triangles to get them started.

  37. My 8th grade Current Events class watches CNN News daily, so I am investigating using iMovie, KeepVID, and UTube Associated Press for the students to design their own "news program" I'm sure I will have some students who will be able to help pull this off.

  38. Great presentation. I have been working on a WebQuest for second grade TAG students about choosing and buying a pet. The site name is sites.google.com/a/uni.edu/bobbi_boggs_buying-a-pet-webquest/, if anyone is interested. It's something I am doing for the TAG class I am taking, and I will be teaching it to the second grade TAG students next semester. It's all done except the process page, which I'll be finishing in the next week.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I went to the Bloom's Digital Pyramid and decided to create a Jeopardy game with jeopardylabs. com titled Health Issues for my 8th Grade Health class. I was able to complete it and may do some editing later. Dawn Colsch and I spent time looking at several other google sites that we may be working more with as we have time. Twila

  41. I decided that I wanted to learn more about our Google domain features. I learned that Flubaroo is a great tool to grade google document forms. I was a little familiar with google forms, but I got more familiar with them and imported a science quiz. Then I installed Flubaroo. After I send the forms out to my students and they submit their answers, Flubaroo will then grade them according to my own submission as the key. It will also analyze responses, so I may change the form/lesson/instruction as needed. It will even send the students their grade and correct responses.
    I see this as a great tool to help me give feedback to students and receive good measurements to help me modify instruction.

  42. I don't see my original comment.

  43. Nancy Berry and I read the video then enjoyed it more with the sound. I agree- teach your children well! We worked on the Create a Graph site and made a graph (for Christmas) to use with our students.

  44. First Grade chose to do a lesson plan on planting seeds by reading a book called From Seed to Plant. Then they demonstrate materials needed and how to use them. Working in partners, they plant their seeds while the others are recording in their journal what the bean looked like and what they predict it will look like when grown. They will discuss vocabulary and add words to the Word Wall. As a final activity, they will take photo's of the various stages to create a slideshow of the Bean Seed time lapse.

  45. The video was good in theory but I find myself treading water amidst the limitations of time and economic resources. Today was a life raft in the sea of time giving us the opportunity to work with the programs we've been introduced to. I hope we can do it again! I was able to set up three wallwisher comment boards for students to post a note on our novel Life As We Knew It. They'll do it twice before the end of the novel.
    Donna A.

  46. First grade worked to find technology applications to their VAST unit on Living Things. We looked at various uTube videos and online applications. We will use the digital camera to take photos on our plants as they grow to do a video showing time lapse of the plant growth.

  47. I think the video conveys the reality of teaching at this time and how pedagogy is part of an equation that now includes technology. Technology is both a tool and at the same time a reality that inundates the worlds our students exist in. They are constantly surrounded by it and enslaved to it. To their world views technology is a constant part of life and so is the fact that it is ever changing/evolving in an organic manner. I see it as a great opportunity for education and educators to collaborate with students to use the tool of technology to take pedagogically acquired knowledge and use it to create and collaborate while potentially adding to the vast sea of understanding out their already.

    Technology and what it offers is an exciting challenge to the more rigid minds like mine, but one that our students have grown up with and expect.

    I used this PD time to work through the I-CAT alignment stuff and then think out a new way to have my students create This I Believe essays using the format of the NPR site http://thisibelieve.org/ which started years ago to try to challenge young and old to document and share the beliefs they hold that make them who they are. Last year I had students write their essays, turn them into podcasts, and then put them on multi-media Glogs to display, but this year I will have to find another program to use, since Glogster is no longer free. I am planning to use Comic Life for the final platform for their essay podcasts and belief "Posters." I think it will be a great mix of imagery and words.

  48. After answering the I Cat questions 3 times for each grade level I teach I watched the video. I agree with those who say that technology is a tool not a solution. I worked on a Jeopardy game to use as an assessment tool at the end of the quarter for 8th grade art.

  49. I learned, thanks to Stephanie Jones, right after posting my previous comment, that there seems to be a simple way around the previously mentioned issue with Glogster starting to charge. I can have the students create their own personal accounts on the Glogster site, with a few less bells and whistles. They will just need to share them with me and I will have a bit less control over them. This is a great program to showcase student work.

    I also forgot to mention a thanks to Mrs. Mueller for the perfect segway into the This I Believe essay project with her sharing of the My Sentence link and idea.

    Learning all the time. Even at my age. :)

  50. I am working on taking my first grade project of creating "What Am I?" bags, and turning this into an online activity that they could add to throughout the year. They can write clues about an object and provide answers with a picture on the following page. These would be able to be accessed by their classmates at school as well as at home.

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  52. Technology keeps my attention... If I am bored I figure the students will be bored out of their mind, so I use technology to keep topics interesting.

    I made a Prezi about "New Inventions Bring Change", a chapter in my Iowa History book and the students will use it to find the important points from the chapter without having to read the whole chapter.


  53. During today's session I felt the challenge of technology once again. The video reminded me how vital my role as teacher is! To stay on top of the game, is demanding & appealing at the same time. This is an exciting time to have the knowledge, staff and tools available. Time for collaboration is a huge benefit for all of us.
    Greta & I searched the digital Bloom's Taxonomy. Under analyzing, "Create A Graph," we created an activity - What Do You Like to Do at Christmas. This can be used for both of our special education programs. Going through some of the steps like showing whole numbers, and eliminating decimals (which younger children don't understand) on the y axis, and making a copy to send to Kathy were kinks that we worked out. Mark was very helpful during this process.

  54. A site was shared with me by a fellow Industrial Technology educator that helps students learn how to read a ruler/tape measure. They can start with 1/2" increments and work up to 1/16" increments. They are given points for correct answers in the allotted time. I have also used youtube to watch arc welding videos of the welding positions before giving them a demonstration of that welding position and the welding exercises that are included with that activity. These are just a few more ways for the students to use technology to help understand/clarify the concept being taught.
